Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cabbage Pathrode (Patra)

Cabbage Pathrode (Patra)

Recipe from Anuradha Rao’s Cookbook


2 cups of rice
2 tbsp of channa daal
2 tbsp of urad daal
2 tbsp of dry corriander seeds
7-8 red chilles (as per taste)
1 tbsp of Jagger (as per taste)
2 tbsp of tamrind juice (adjust the amount if you are using paste)
1/2 head of cabbage - chopped finely
Turmeric Powder

For Seasoning:

Urad Daal
Mustard Seeds
Cury Leaves

For Garnishing:

Grated Fresh Coconut


1. Soak the rice, channa daal, urad daal, corriander seeds and red chillies overnight.
2. Grind this into a coarse mixture with less water.
3. To this, add the finely chopped cabbage, jaggery, tamrind, turmeric and salt.
4. Steam this mixture in Pressure cooker like Idli for 10 mins or so.
5. In a separate pan heat oil and put the seasoning of mustard seeds, urad daal, hing and curry leaves, to that add the crumbled steamed cabbage mixture.
6. Mix well and cook on medium fire for a few minutes until the mixture has absorbed the seasoning.
7. Add the grated coconut garnishing and serve it hot.

You can also add chopped corriander leaves for garnishing.
You can add extra salt after mixing the cabbage mixture with seasoning if you feel like salt is less.

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